Monday, April 21, 2008

Gift to A Bride - Khadijah & Muhammad

I would like to share some interesting points from a book I'm reading now. So far buku ni bestlah; ayat dia simple, mudah faham & sgt menyentuh hati. At some points, buat sy mengalir air mata.

Weekend baru ni sy baca chapter ttg Siti Khadijah. Kisahnya bila ayah Sayyidatina Khadijah dpt tahu she was going to marry Rasulullah saw, he got upset, because Muhammad bin Abdullah was an orphan and was not rich. So Sayyidatina Khadijah minta utusan dia hantarkan sejumlah emas & perak pd Rasulullah saw n minta baginda beli hadiah mahal2 for her. Lepas Rasulullah hantar hadiah2 tu, Sayyidatina Khadijah tunjuk pd ayah beliau and kata Rasulullah yg hadiahkan. So ayahnya pun puashati n gembira.

Tak sangka kan Rasul Allah yg plg mulia pon pernah hadapi mslh masa nak kawen mcmni. Indahnya tarbiyah Allah, He shows how the greatest man on earth pernah dipndg lekeh oleh bkl pak mentua and how he dealt with it. Dan tak slh or hina lelaki menerima bantuan kwgn dr psgnnya. Sbb yg penting ialah keikhlasan n tujuan amal tersebut.

Pastu masa Rasulullah jumpa Jibril n dpt wahyu buat kali pertama, baginda plg ke rumah dlm keadaan terketar ketakutan, Khadijah pujuk Rasulullah saw dgn kata2 berikut:
"Allah shall never disgrace you and never forsake you because you maintain good family relations, assist people, provide for the needy and destitute, entertain guests and support all good causes".
Penulis buku ni ulas: This is the prove of true love. For her his grief was her grief, his happiness, her happiness, his illness, her ilness, his health, her health. A person like this recognises every good quality in her spouse and accommodates these in her heart. Therefore, when the occasion arose, she was able to express these to comfort him.

Touching, membuat kita menangis bila cuba bygkan keadaan keluarga Rasulullah, dgn anak2 mereka yg tgh membesar... Baginda da'wah utk bawa rahmat dlm hidup org Quraisy tp diorg xnmpk rahmat tu, n marah pulak Rasulullah saw sbb menongkah arus n nak bawa perubahan dlm msyrkt. And dlm keadaan tu his wife stood by him, gave full support, and consoled him, telling him Allah will always protect him...

Then let us ponder Rasulullah's mentions on his loving wife & faithful companion:
1. She believed in me when the people falsified me.
2. She regarded me to be truthful when people called me a liar.
3. And she gave me financial assistance when people denied me wealth.

Lets pray we could follow n embrace with our heart all the good qualities n good deeds those greatest muslimat had. And lets pray the same for all muslimat.

Penulis buku ni at the end of important topics dia akan buat do'a n minta pembaca ameenkan bersama. I shall write here one of his beautiful do'a as the end of my email.

"We make du'aa to Allah to allow us all the ability to practise what we will read in the ensuing narratives and the ability to do whatever pleases Him. May Allah make every Muslim wife the most precious thing in the world to her husband and may He makes every Muslim husband the best of people who behaves excellently towards his wife. Ameen ya Rabb al-'alameen"

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